Call your local member

Make an instant difference for Australians struggling with the cost of living and rising prescription medicine prices.

While they won’t be able to reduce the cost of your rent or grocery bill, the reduction of the general patient co-payment for medicines listed on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme is an immediate action their government can take to support the people. The following form will patch you into your local candidate’s office so you can tell them why medicine affordability matters to you and ask them what they plan to do about rising medicine costs at the next election. Speak to your local member of parliament today and let us know what their response is to this significant issue

The following form will patch you into your local candidate's office so you can tell them why medicine affordability matters to you. Ask them what they plan to do to help their community navigate the rising cost of living and higher prescription medicine costs.

Speak to your local member of parliament today and let us know what their response is to this significant issue